Andrology, Implants, Implants, Shah Penile Prosthesis, Shah Penile Prosthesis, Unique product, Urosurgery
Shah Penile Implant Semi Rigid With Hinge
Shah Penile Implant Semi Rigid With Hinge
*Price will be depend on order.
Shah Penile Implant Soft Without Hinge OS02
Shah Penile Implant Soft Without Hinge OS02 (supplied in pairs)
Length 22cm trimmable to 15cm dia 15mm adjustable to 13*Price will be depend on order.
Shah Penile Implant Semi Rigid Without Hinge OH01
Shah Penile Implant Semi Rigid Without Hinge OH01 (supplied in pairs)
Length 19cm trimmable to 13cm dia 13mm adjustable to 9.5*Price will be depend on order.
Solid Synthetic Testis
Solid synthetic testis is used as a cosmetic treatment of monorchism and anarchism.
*Price will be depend on order.
Pediatric Uro Bag UB01N
Pediatric Uro Bag UB01N.
*Price will be depend on order.
Silicone Tubal Rings ST01
Silicone Tubal Rings ST01 for Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation.
*Price will be depend on order.
GISAIMS Peritoneo Venous Shunt
GISAIM II for adults & GISAIM III for children (single valve types).
GISAIMS peritoneo-venous shunts are made of medical grade silicone elastomer. Connectors are made of either stainless steel or polypropylene. The black radio-opaque tip contains tantalum powder.*Price will be depend on order.
Bone Grafting Products, Dental Surgery, General Use, General Uses, Implants, Implants, Implants, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Plastic Surgery, QOss Heal IHA, QOssHeal IHA, QOssHeal IHA, QOssHeal IHA, QOssHeal IHA
Quick bone healing, Quick setting, Calcium Hydroxyapatite Injectable Cement.
Bone Grafting Products, Dental Surgery, G-Bone Synthetic Hydroxyapatite, G-Bone Synthetic Hydroxyapatite, G-Bone Synthetic Hydroxyapatite, Implants, Implants, Implants, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Plastic Surgery, Synthetic Hydroxyapatite
G-Bone Synthetic HA Granules 10CC
G-Bone Synthetic Granules are of synthetic Calcium Hydroxyapatite in low crystalline form. It is a mixture of HA, TCP and other forms of calcium such as calcium carbonate and bi calcium phosphate.
*Price will be depend on order.
Bone Grafting Products, Dental Surgery, G-Bone Modified Hydroxyapatite, G-Bone Modified Hydroxyapatite, G-Bone Modified Hydroxyapatite, Implants, Implants, Implants, Modified Hydroxyapatite, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Plastic Surgery
G-Bone Modified HA Granules 10CC
G-Bone Modified Hydroxyapatite granules and blocks are made of Calcium Hydroxyapatite in highly crystalline form.